Our stories are spontaneous autobiographical tales that unfold within the time span of a metaphorical car ride. Each story is told and listened to in an exclusive dialogic relationship and nothing is recorded.
Hitching a ride is the metaphor that indicates the time of 30 minutes in which each participant “travels” in the life of the other. The narrator might sometimes propose to travel together along some real routes.
Anyone can participate in the project as a narrator or listener or rather as “passenger” or “driver”.
The ride can be requested or offered at events organized by the association, in a physical place or in a virtual environment.
In both cases, the passenger, ready to tell his or her story, will wait in an appropriate place, ready to be offered a ride by a participant who will “take him/her on board” so as to listen to their stories.
Anyone can offer to give a ride to the story they want to hear: the story map, printed here, shows the stories that are available for a scheduled event, thus you can select the title you want to hear and then offer a “ride to the story” by choosing the time for listening to it by filling in the indicated form.
The project was hatched in 2018 and has developed over time. If you want to find out more about its genesis, here we shared some videos that testify to the phases of our work.
Are you interested in following us and maybe asking or offering a ride in the future?
You may send us an email telling us why you would like to participate or collaborate: vite@sconfinandointoscana.it
By becoming a passenger (narrator of your story). We will get in touch with you and follow you through the various steps that lead to the live event;
By participating as a driver (listener). You will have to sign up for the story you wish to hear via the story map link or by signing up at the “desk” on the same day of the event.
You can support us with your contribution in time, by helping us to search for stories or in organizing the live event, or with a spontaneous donation.